
Follow me as I wade through culinary adventures, physical fundamentals and the whathaveyou's of life in general.
This is the journal of a self-proclaimed fitness foodie.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Paleo Challenge (PC) Day 1:

Sorry, but you'll have to excuse the quality of photos for the time being, I don't have a fancy schmancy DSLR camera (Nikon D3100 please! If anyone's feeling a little generous). Instead I currently shoot my pictures with the ever so classy Blackberry Torch and the always convenient, my boyfriend's iPhone. Definition of: For The Win! When i'm feeling extra foodie, I'll snap a photo with my legitimate Sony digital camera.. but I digress.

Anyways, here's what I cooked up for our first PC meal:

If you're like me and you LOVE your potato chips nomnomnom... then you will absolutely love kale chips! They taste amazing and kale is full of vitamin A, C and K, it is anti-oxidant rich, low calorie, AND fights cancer! I'm surprised crime fighting isn't in its repertoire. There are dozens of recipes online, but here's the one  I followed from smittenkitchen. Lay's better look out, Kale is all the rage.

For the main meal, I dished up some oven-roasted chicken thighs. I find that chicken thighs have better flavor, but I'm not hating on the tried and true chicken breast. Seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder and a dash of rosemary. Accompanied by a zucchini, asparagus and mushroom stir fry. (Seasoned with salt, pepper and thyme). I threw in some fresh tomato slices for good measure.

I thought I'd keep our first PC meal nice and easy. Most paleo meals shouldn't take 3 hours in the kitchen.

Happy Eating!

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